Are you a Christian working in the film industry? This breakfast is for you! Please join us at an upcoming breakfast for fellowship and encouragement.

The purpose behind this monthly breakfast gathering is to allow those in the film business in and around the Colorado area to network with others who are in the industry.

A monthly breakfast gathering to encourage Christian filmmakers in Colorado.

Next Meeting – January 2025

What: A gathering of Christian film professionals

Who: Makers, Marketers, Movers & Newcomers in the film industry

When: January, 25 8:30am-10:00am

Where: West Bowles Community Church

Speaker: Round Table Discussion

Faith: Our host, or someone connected to film, will share a 5-10 minute devotional

Opportunity: The sponsor of the breakfast gets 5 minutes to share a current project, demo real, etc.

Invitation: Join us for a time of sharing over food, networking, and an opportunity for prayer over your projects. We will have a speaker from the industry share with us over breakfast.